網搜龍頭Google十七日透過虛擬方式,帶領使用者走訪公司設在歐美的八個龐大資料中心。Google讓外界一窺資料中心內部真麵目,還是破天荒第一遭。Google在名為「網路居住所在地」(Where the Internet Lives)的網頁上,張貼了八個資料中心內外觀的一係列「街景」影片與照片。
北卡羅來納州的Google伺服器群設施,是Google「街景」(Street View)服務的中心,虛擬導覽顯示,伺服器群是由穿着如突擊隊員的安全人員戒護。
Google指出,這是他們首次讓使用者參觀資料中心內部,網頁張貼的照片是由周康妮(Connie Zhou)拍攝,進入網頁「可一窺前所未見的科技、公司人員、維持公司運作的場所」。
The online gallery reveal the interior of eight of Google's secretive server farms around the globe, from Finland to Iowa
One of Google's server farms in Council Bluffs, Iowa, which provides over 115,000 square feet of space for servers running services like Search and YouTube
Google colour codes its servers depending on their location, while piping in the buildings is coded depending on what it carries -with cool water in blue tubes and warm in red
Google's Douglas County data centre in Georgia is so large the firm provides Google branded bicycles for staff to get around on
A street view tour published by Google also reveals a hidden surprise - A Stormtrooper standing guard over a server in Google's North Carolina server farm
Here hundreds of fans funnel hot air from the server racks into a cooling unit to be recirculated in Oklahoma. The green lights are the server status LEDs reflecting from the front of the servers
The Iowa campus network room, where routers and switches allow data centers to talk to each other. The fiber cables run along the yellow cable trays near the ceiling.
Even the water pipes reflect Google's brand: These colorful pipes are responsible for carrying water in and out of an Oregon data center. The blue pipes supply cold water and the red pipes return the warm water back to be cooled.
In Hamina, Finland, Google chose to renovate an old paper mill to take advantage of the building's infrastructure as well as its proximity to the Gulf of Finland's cooling waters.
Google's server farm in Douglas County, Iowa
The exterior of a Dulles, Oregon server farm
Denise Harwood, a Google Engineer, diagnoses an overheated CPU. For more than a decade, Google has built some of the world's most efficient servers.
A Google data center in Council Bluffs, Iowa.
Each server rack has four switches, connected by a different coloured cable. Colours are kept the same throughout data centres so staff know which one to replace in case of failure
本文來自: http://blog.udn.com/hitman543/6960955